Getting Started With

Lume Deodorant

It’s important to prep your clothes and prime your pits before you begin to experiment with how much and how often to apply Lume.
Getting Started with Lume Deodorant
Prepping your clothes

Have you ever put on a shirt and after just an hour or two you thought, “What’s that smell? Is that me?” Well, that sudden stink is not you and it’s not your deodorant -- it’s actually your clothing!

Microscopic colonies of microorganisms (bacteria, fungus, & mold) called “biofilm” grow in our clothing and stubbornly stay there wash after wash. They excrete sugars, fats, proteins, and starches that get cemented into the fibers of fabric along with wax/oil-based deodorants, antiperspirants, & fabric softeners and traditional detergents alone have a tough time getting rid of it. When this biofilm comes in contact with our body heat & moisture, these microorganisms are reactivated and start up the stench cycle! Lume's BIOfilm Buster contains a highly-concentrated enzyme blend that busts through the biofilm structures these bacteria create and cling to in clothing, thus removing the permastink.

Once you start using Lume Deodorant, you actually need to prep your clothing less often! Lume Deodorant is water-based and doesn’t stick around in clothing like other deodorants do.


Use Lume BIOfilm Buster Pretreatment Spray by spraying the armpits and odor prone areas of your clothing until damp, making sure to pay special attention to seams. Let sit for at least 1 hour before washing as you normally would with the warmest water your clothing allows.

For best results, continue to spritz the pits of shirts and other odor-prone areas before you toss clothes in the hamper as maintenance, especially those made with manmade fibers (they’re in a league of their own!)

Priming Your Pits

Unlike other products, Lume doesn’t mask or cover up odor -- it actually prevents the odor-causing reaction between bacteria and bodily fluids on your skin! Priming your skin will give you the longest-lasting odor control as quickly as possible by getting rid of waxy residue from any previous deodorants while also beginning the process of preventing that odor-causing reaction on your skin.


Apply a trace amount of Lume to clean, dry skin every day until you remain odor-free for 24 hours. This can take anywhere from 4-14 days.

How to apply Lume
    1. Shower and dry off thoroughly.
    2. Elevate 2-3mm above the holes when using the cream deodorant stick. Dispense a pea-sized amount when using the tube.
    3. Apply a trace amount of Lume to the center of your pit and then rub the cream into the skin, extending the application area ~1 inch outside the hair-bearing area. Use just enough product so that it rubs in clear in 4-5 seconds.
    How to apply Lume to underarms.

    Lume does its best work when applied daily after a shower, but its odor control will keep on working for up to 72 hours! If you ever need to skip a shower, Lume’s got you covered! Each time you shower, you will need to reapply.

    Experiment with how much and how often to apply to suit your lifestyle and circumstances. Each body is unique!

  • Lume is for external use only. A few applications a week are all you need for areas other than your underarms.

    1. Shower and dry off thoroughly.
    2. Elevate 2-3mm above the holes when using the cream deodorant stick. Dispense a pea-sized amount when using the tube.
    3. Vulva application – Working from front-to-back (do not work from back-to-front as this can increase the risk of urinary tract infections,) apply to the clitoral hood, labia majora (do not apply inside the vagina or around the urethra,) continue back to the perineum (the space between the rectum and vaginal opening,) and sweep up between the butt cheeks to the tailbone. Wash your hands.

      Penis application – Apply around the base of the penis and between the folds of the legs, work back to the space between the scrotum and rectum, and sweep back between the butt cheeks and up to the tailbone. Wash your hands.

    How to apply Lume to privates.
    You can also apply Lume under breasts, in tummy folds, behind ears, or anywhere else you have external odor and wish you didn’t!
  • Lume is for external use only. A few applications a week are all you need.

    1. Wash feet and dry thoroughly.
    2. Elevate 2-3mm above the holes when using the cream deodorant stick. Dispense a pea-sized amount when using the tube.
    3. Apply to the foot, paying particular attention to the areas between toes and around the heel.
    How to apply Lume to feet.
    You can also apply Lume under breasts, in tummy folds, behind ears, or anywhere else you have external odor and wish you didn’t!
Continue Getting Started